Photo catalogs - - 003

Catalog page 003: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

19 inch rack lamp
Everywhere 19“ racks, 19“ insertions. only the work light does not match in the 19“system? No Thanks! Whereto are there work lights with attachments for the 19“ system? Magnetic lamp
Most electric control boxes are from iron, most cars are from iron, therefore a work light should have obviously a magnetic hold. Work light for 100 to 240 Volt AC
Could it happen, that the service technican has to travel in an other country with different grid voltage? A work light with all worldwide used grid voltages Batteries for notebooks
A fair booth with batteries for notebooks. On the photo is only a small part from the extensive of notebook batteries visible. Wall mountings for TFT screens and flat TV
A big assortment of wall mountings for flat television and computer screens shows OMB on his fair booth. NiMh Sanyo battery for Ford Escape
250 NiMh cells 300 V and 6Ah stood on the board. But why has this 92kg weight? What should a SUV do with 1800 Wh battery capacity? Picture framing with touch screen
Coherent to the local design, a picture frame with a painting. But as soon as the bartender touches the screen with his fingers, there is gastronomy software instead of a painting. Eco computer
They advertise with environment friendly production and low electric power consume. But my Wattmeter shows 82 Watt, where an actual 15“ notebook would use only 24 Watt. Leather bound laptop
Also the surface in front of the keyboard is at this Asus covered with leather. The leather gives the laptops an individual note. Leather bound notebook
Asus gives this notebook an individual note by leather. What was in the past usual at high quality professional cameras comes not to notebooks. Designer Notebook
How to motivate to purchase a notebook? Some years ago simple by more highly demanded performance. Today where performance stagnates by special design. Laptop with rubber keyboard
A fallen glas is at this notebook no problem, but the rubber keyboard is for people writing much a little bit requiring getting used to. Mitac M230 laptop for difficult environment
For the usage in a rough environment where it can rain or a salt fog would damage a normal notebook quickly. Hard test for rugged notebooks
3 torture chamber for notebooks showed Mitac on this booth. Waterspray, vibrations and salt fog. Livebook Q2010
Only 1 kg weight, 18mm height and large like DIN A4 looks this subnotebook on the first view very enticingly, but the second view shows limited to 1 GB RAM and 60 GB harddisk. Portable computer with 3 screens
For the portable operation on audio and video is this box with 3 screens. The price shows only for the professional usage. Solid State Disk SSD
Less electric power consumption and most important no noise make this 32 and 128 GB harddisks without mechanical moved parts. WLAN Router NAS Server
Many functions together in one device. 2 piece 3.5“ harddisks can be built in. The 12V 5A power supply indicates an electric usage around 30 Watt. TV reporting team with one man
Normally, a TV reporting team consists of the interviewer, cameraman and the man holding the microphon. This modern equipment makes from 3 man only one. Photovoltaic connections
The foldable photovoltaic comes with 12V plug, 12 V socket, crocodile clamps, a cylindric plug and an extension cord. Foldable photovoltaic
The very compact transportable moul is fast unfolded to 8 times the area. 25 Watt peak are enough for an economical notebook. Photovoltaic folded
So small is a 25 Watt peak photovoltaic folded, only 800 g weight. Oly 32 g / Watt Peak. Recharge cellphone underway
Inside the handbag with the CIS photovoltaic. An item with 2 AA NiMh batteries as a buffer storage for the solar energy. So it's possible to recharge the cell phone underway. Handbag with photovoltaic
CIS cells deliver also without direct sunshine enough electric power. This feature is deal for the new generation of handbags. This new handbags can also recharge a cellphone. Solar chargers
In compare to the 'Master', the photovoltaic of the professional is with 2.6 Watt peak a littl bit stronger. Some charge adapters for cellphones are included. Solar charger
Charge AA batteries by 2.4 Watt peak photovoltaic or with the 230V power supply. One charge adapter for cellphones is included. A 12V plug to connect in a car is.available as accessory. Refrigerator in backpack
Below the peltier element is a refrigerator built into the backpack. 2 piece 1 litre bottles have place in the backpack. This gadget will be available end of 2006. Peltier Element
The secret of the 5 Watt photovoltaic . Beside other consumers is the main part of the electric power for a peltier element. Backpack with photovoltaic
Immediately stands out the crystalline silicon photovoltaic on the backpack. But out of what reason needs a backpack 5 Watt peak photovoltaic? Fuel cell to charge a cellphone
20 Wh energy for around 20.-EUR. A complete mystery where the market for this should be. New handdbags and backpacks can also recharge a cellphone underway.