Yield of photovoltaic depending from the weather

Examples how different installation of photovoltaic systems and different weather influences the yield.

Blue sky - photovoltaic in the shadow Blue sky - photovoltaic in the shadow
The sun just disappeared behind the Untersberg. Only the blue of the sky illuminates the szene. Nevertheless delivers the photovoltaic still 5% peak.

Direct sun Direct sun
The foldable photovoltaic placed on an other place to align better towards the sun. The charge current climbs to 2,33A or 86% of 34 Watt peak.

Sunny Sunny
Through a hole in the clouds short time full sunshine. 2,23A charge current or 82% of 34 Watt peak. The PV lies not optimal oriented on the rock.

What delivers a photovoltaic at sun behind clouds? What delivers a photovoltaic at sun behind clouds?
Behind a sparse cloud is the sun recognizably. My foot throws already the clue of a shadow. 0,8A charge current. 30% of the 34 Watt peak.

Photovoltaic at strong cloudy sky Photovoltaic at strong cloudy sky
Behind dense dark grey clouds is the sun invisible. The charge current changes from 0,39 to 0,65A or 14% to 24% of the 34 Watt peak rating.

Different view points about photovoltaic from our different technical magazines as wide outstretched information about electric power from light.

  Laptop supplied by solar power

Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

Photovoltaic for laptops and small appliances
Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

Batteries for 12V solar power supplies
Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

Context description:  yield under different weather condition conditons
laptop notebook laptops notebooks solar power energy supply PV photovoltaic