Photovoltaic for laptops and small appliances

Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

20 W foldable photovoltaic 20 W foldable photovoltaic
It's July 4th 2012, the photovoltaic is full in sunshine, but 13.47 V times 0.86 A are only 11,58 Watt. Not optimal oriented towards the sun, a little bit warmer.

Foldable photovoltaic Foldable photovoltaic
The very compact transportable moul is fast unfolded to 8 times the area. 25 Watt peak are enough for an economical notebook.

Flooded beach Flooded beach
After some weeks rain, finally bathing weather again. But the beach is half flooded. Humans dense together, so the only place for the photovoltaic on a tree.

Flap out the photovoltaic Flap out the photovoltaic
With the flap out, the width of the photovoltaic module increases from 44 to 88cm. A half squaremeter active area.

Foldable photovoltaic module Foldable photovoltaic module
Such unapparent small, I take the folded 34 Watt module out of the backpack. With 2 kg weight, it produces with 2 hours sunshine the same amount of energy

Photovoltaic for the mobile usage Photovoltaic for the mobile usage
34 Watt peak, foldable as a 2 kg package to pack in every backpack. In the case of working on the beach, in the mountains or on an expedition the ideal power supply.

34 W foldable photovoltaic 34 W foldable photovoltaic
The 85 W control unit stands more than a single 20 W modul. Here I connect my foldable 34 W Unisolar from 2005 and the new foldable 20 W foldable from the solar set together.

Photovoltaic connections Photovoltaic connections
The foldable photovoltaic comes with 12V plug, 12 V socket, crocodile clamps, a cylindric plug and an extension cord.

Photovoltaic folded Photovoltaic folded
So small is a 25 Watt peak photovoltaic folded, only 800 g weight. Oly 32 g / Watt Peak.

Unfold photovoltaic Unfold photovoltaic
The photovoltaic module is next unfolded. Stil are no photovoltaic cells visible.

Different view points about photovoltaic from our different technical magazines as wide outstretched information about electric power from light.

  Laptop supplied by solar power

Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

Batteries for 12V solar power supplies
Notebooks can be easy supplied with solar energy. From solar electric power for a day on the beach, for expeditions up to island solutions for houses without power grid connection.

Yield of photovoltaic depending from the weather
Examples how different installation of photovoltaic systems and different weather influences the yield.

Context description:  laptop notebook laptops notebooks solar power energy supply PV photovoltaic