Save battery on ThinkPad

You can set how many percent the battery is charged to on the ThinkPad and when the battery should start charging. A full charge to 100% is harmful.

I have installed Ubuntu 22.04.2 on the Lenovo ThinkPad without operating system. Windows comes with a utility to set the battery charge. Here's what I did on mine:

Lenovo Thinkpad battery handling

Install TLP:
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install tlp

Check what package needed for battery:
 sudo tlp-stat -b

If acpi_call is recommended
 sudo apt install acpi-call-dkms

If smapi is recommended
 sudo apt install tp-smapi-dkms

Open config file of TLP
 sudo gedit /etc/tlp.conf

Find the lines regarding battery settings,
remove the leading # for comment and maybe insert the value you want

Restart tlp
 sudo tlp start
Check the config status
 sudo tlp-stat -b

  Thinkpad L14 Gen 2 AMD

I have been using this notebook since July 2023. The Thinkpad L14 Gen 2 AMD sets new minimum standards for all future notebook purchases.

Lenovo Thinkpad L14 Gen 2 AMD has all the keys Lenovo Thinkpad L14 Gen 2 AMD has all the keys
Important, picture up, picture down, position 1 and end are executed as single keys. Why do other notebook manufacturers save on the keyboard of all things?

Configuration Linux Ubuntu 22.04 on Thinkpad L14 Gen 2
I used this file to install all my usual software on the new Thinkpad.

Original Thinkpad power supply Original Thinkpad power supply
The original power supply is capable of 65 watts, has a permanently attached USB-C PD cable, and is a real pain for today's airline luggage situation.