Microsoft does not want to offer more for Yahoo

Microsoft sees no reason to increase the offer for Yahoo. Actually, even the current offer over US$ 44,6 billion is for me not understandable high.

  The AdWords Standard

Since 3 years, it happens to me at first talks with new clients again and again. We talk about a new search engine optimized website, and I am asked to compare a of prognosis of the performance of the new site against Google AdWords.

Not a single time, I heard YPN - Yahoo Publisher Network. This is since years in betatest and only available in the US.

  Discussion forums of professional webmasters

Observations over discussions in professional webmaster show the following trend:

  • The CTR (Click Through Rate) is at Google AdSense much higher. This is attributed to more relevant ads shown on the page by Google.

  • YPN pays more per click. This makes the publisher happy, but not the advertiser, having to pay more for one visitor.
2007 and 2008 is a tendency in the YPN forum to remove YPN ads, because they earn less than at other ad networks.

  Notebook Latop News 2008

News, tests, comments and personal experiences over Notebooks, Laptops and mobile Computers from the year 2008.

Mobile internet soon possible in the EU
EU-Kommissarin Viviane Reding demands from the cellphone providers lower prices for data transfers not in the own country.

Methanol fuel cell
Market scenery for the methanol fuel cell. What SFC FFOY claims as future markets and our opinion about the market development.

Anonymous insanity
The wish for anonymity leads to a condtion, that humans become complete unable to communicate. I really found this email in my spam folder.

Mini fuel cell from Sony Mini fuel cell from Sony
Sony has the prototype of a hybrid fuel cell introduced. 50mm times 30mm size, 10 mililitre Methanol for 14 hours operation of a MP3 device.

The internet ist not citable
After 5 years are only about 10% of all sources for my articles with the same contence as in the time where I made the link.

Context description:  offer offers
Computer Notebook Laptop News event events date time