Email software for batch and command line

How send an email by the own software? The most simple method would be to write a *.BAT file to perform the necessary steps.

  Obstacle Outlook Express

It should be so simple. Create a file with the email, drag it to the output folder of Outlock Express. But this is not possible. Possibility locked. So there has to be an other possibility to write emails by the own software and to send them.

  HTML Emails by command line

This is the batch file, to send a HTML-file

d:/internet/ -f "Roland Moesl " -t "" -s -u "Tomorrow comes xyz 6 p, for a visit" -o message-file=d:/mind2.files/temp/letter.htm -l d:/mind2.files/log/sendemail.log pause

  • -f sender
  • -t receiver
  • -s Server to send the email
  • -u Subject
  • -o The email generated before by my software, when the file starts with <html>, it will be sent as a HTML email
  • -l Address of the log file
SendEmail is from Brandon Zehm and is freeware. There are versions for Windows, and Linux-Unix.


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Context description:  how to send emails email by bat batch file files in the command line