Panoramafactory: the ghost software

In the Panoramafactory 3.3 panorama appear several ghosts, which are suppressed by PhotoStitch 3.1 and PixAround. The shadowy ghosts ruin the panorama.

Panoramafactory: the ghost software
In the Panoramafactory 3.3 panorama appear several ghosts, which are suppressed by PhotoStitch 3.1 and PixAround. The shadowy ghosts ruin the panorama.

  Markus place in the twilight

Each summer are many tourists in Venice. It's not possible to photgraph a deserted Markus place. It's also not possible to order some hundred tourists stand still. You have to photograph what is there and the software has to make the best out of it.

  2 reasons for ghosts

The exposure time for the panorama photos had been 0.4 seconds. In this time, a sedate walker moves 40 to 60 cm. The whole walker? No! It's possible that the left or right feet remains most of the time on the ground while only the rest of the body moves. That's unsharp by movment. Against this is nothing to do. This are the sharp shoes with the foggy body above.

An other reasons are overlap areas between the single photos of the panorama. To make it for the software possible to stitch the photos together, there have to be overlap areas. So it can happen that a tourist is on photo 1 but not on photo 2 or reverse.

A good panorama software has to deal with this problem. As well as PixAround and PhotoStitch deal with this problem where a person is only one of two photos. Panoramafactory failed at this problem.

Panoramafactory 3.3 result in original resulutuion (1967 KB)

  Panorama software test

The big quality difference between PhotoStitsch 3.1 (delivered with the S1) and our since 2000 used PixAround induced a big compare test.

Panorama software PhotoStitch 3.1 Panorama software PhotoStitch 3.1
The software delivered together with the Canon S1 did not perform well. The Venedig panorama is much circumcised. The Markus church without towers.

PixAround panorama software in test PixAround panorama software in test
At us cince 2000 used as a problem free error tolerant software for panoramas. Freehand or not complete straight on the tripod, PixAround makes the best out of the photos.

Panoramastudio Panorama Software Panoramastudio Panorama Software
1530 pixel height in a panorama remain from 1600 pixel height from the part photos. Here is Panoramastudio better than PixAround. But there are ghosts in the overlap areas.

Hugin: panorama tool with post refinement Hugin: panorama tool with post refinement
The special feature of Hugin is the possibility for post refinements, which we did not test. Without post refinement, there is a light dark border.

Context description:  Panorama photo Panoramaphoto photos Panoramaphotos pic Panoramapic pics Panoramapics software Panoramasoftware photosoftware Panoramaphotosoftware photossoftware Panoramaphotossoftware picsoftware Panoramapicsoftware picssoftware Panoramapicssoftware praxis test tests event events date time